
Because pysat allows you to load and cycle through data from different instruments in similar manners, it’s easy to write instrument-independent analysis routines. Here we provide a simple example where a mean value is calculated for the loaded data from an instrument. As pysat allows data to be iteratively loaded by the day or by orbit, the same method can produce different results for the same instrument.

Sample Period Mean Function

The code below creates a function called periodic_mean() that takes either a pysat.Instrument or pysat.Orbits object connected to an Instrument and calculates the mean every day or every orbit over the period of time supplied by Instrument.bounds.

import datetime as dt
import pysat
import pandas as pds

def periodic_mean(inst_iterator, data_label):
    """ Calculate the periodic mean over a range of dates

    inst_iterator : pysat.Instrument iterator
        Expecting either pysat.Instrument for daily or pysat.Orbits for
          orbital periods
    data_label : str
        Instrument data label

    mean_val : pds.Series
        Pandas time series containing periodic means of the desired value

    # Create empty series to hold result
    mean_val = pds.Series()

    # Iterate over season, calculate the mean
    for inst in inst_iterator:
        if not inst.empty:
            # Compute mean absolute using pandas functions and store.  The
            # data could be an image, or lower dimension, account for 2D and
                # lower
            data = inst[data_label].dropna()
            data_date =[0]
            mean_val[data_date] = data.mean()

    return mean_val

You may apply this function as demonstrated below.

import datetime as dt
import pysatMadrigal

stime = dt.datetime(2011, 12, 31)
etime = dt.datetime(2012, 1, 2)
orbit_info = {'kind': 'polar', 'index': 'gdlat'}
f15 = pysat.Instrument(inst_module=pysatMadrigal.instruments.dmsp_ivm,
                       tag='utd', inst_id='f15', orbit_info=orbit_info,
                        clean_level='none', update_files=True)

# Ensure the data is downloaded
if len(f15.files[stime:etime + dt.timedelta(days=1)]) < 3:, stop=etime, user='name', password='email')

# Load and process the daily mean of the ion temperature
f15.bounds = (stime, etime)
daily_mean_ti = periodic_mean(f15, 'ti')

2011-12-31 00:00:05    2153.001641
2012-01-01 00:02:09    2111.060398
2012-01-02 00:00:05    2137.508402
dtype: float64

# Before running the orbital data, reload to start at the same place
orbital_mean_ti = periodic_mean(f15.orbits, 'ti')

2011-12-31 00:00:05    2460.273183
2011-12-31 00:28:05    2151.918103
2011-12-31 01:18:57    2255.243570
2011-12-31 02:09:49    1976.928571
2011-12-31 03:00:41    2247.152299
dtype: float64


2012-01-02 20:17:25    2014.417630
2012-01-02 21:08:17    2371.601671
2012-01-02 21:59:09    2075.554252
2012-01-02 22:50:05    2414.907781
2012-01-02 23:40:57    2387.694853
dtype: float64

The addition of a few more lines to the periodic_mean function could add support for other types of statistics, or more complex processing.