Using pysat as a dependency
Instrument Libraries
Say you are developing an instrument library under the name customLibrary
which has two instrument objects. A minimalist structure for the library
could look something like:
| |-- docs
| | `-- tutorial.rst
| |-- instruments
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| |-- tests
| | |--
| | `--
| `--
|-- pyproject.toml
The instruments folder includes a file for each instrument object. The
requirements for structuring each of the instruments is discussed in
Adding a New Instrument. The
file in this folder should import the
instruments and construct a list of instruments to aid in the testing.
from customLibrary.instruments import lib_inst1, lib_inst2
__all__ = ['lib_inst1', 'lib_inst2']
The tests folder contains an empty
file to be compliant with
and the test_instruments script. pysat includes a standard
suite of instrument tests to run on instruments. These are imported from the
in the main pysat test library. The
file can be copied directly into the library, updating
the instrument library name as indicated.
The pyproject.toml
file should include pysat as a dependency, as well as any
other packages required by the instruments.
A more complicated structure could include analysis routines, like the pysatModels package, or methods for common analysis routines used for a specific data set, like the pysatMadrigal package. The structure then could look like:
| |-- docs
| | `-- tutorial.rst
| |-- instruments
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | |-- methods
| | | |--
| | | |--
| | | `--
| |-- tests
| | |--
| | `--
| |-- utils
| | |--
| | |--
| | `--
| `--
|-- pyproject.toml
Using pysat to test your instruments
A generalized instrument test class is provided under pysat.tests
developers. Continuing the above example, developers may copy over the
file and update it in a few locations. For example
# Make sure to import your instrument library here
import customLibrary
# Import the test classes from pysat
from pysat.tests.classes.cls_instrument_library import InstLibTests
Before creating a test class that will inherit from InstLibTests
, the class
should be told which tests to run on which instruments. This can be done by
using the initialize_test_package
method in the core class.
If custom info such as a username is required, it should be specified as part of this command so it is attached to each instrument for the tests.
user_info = {'pysat_testing': {'user': 'pysat_testing',
'password': ''}}
Now a class that pytest can run should be created, inheriting the tests and instrument instructions from the standard test class above. Note that pytest will only run classes that begin with the word “Test”.
class TestInstruments(InstLibTests):
"""Main class for instrument tests.
All standard tests, setup, and teardown inherited from the core pysat
instrument test class.
All setup and teardown routines are inherited from the core class. Note that the test methods use temporary directories to store downloaded files to avoid breaking a user’s directory structure.
Adding custom kwargs to load tests
If an instrument in a custom library has a custom kwarg, this can be added as part of the standard load tests. When writing the instrument module, simply add the options as a dict of kwargs with the name _test_load_opt:
_test_dates = {'': {'Level_1': dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1),
'Level_2': dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1)}}
_test_load_opt = {'': {'Level_1': {'myoption': True}}}
The structure of the dict should be similar to the _test_dates construction. See Supported Instrument Templates for more information on structuring test attributes for custom instrument libraries. For multiple options, a list of dicts should be used.
_test_dates = {'': {'Level_1': dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1),
'Level_2': dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1)}}
_test_load_opt = {'': {'Level_1': [{'myoption': True},
{'myoption': False, 'num_samples': 30}]}}
Note that this test only verifies that the instrument can be loaded with that option. To test for specific outcomes, see the following section.
Adding custom tests in pysat
If the instrument library has custom routines that need testing, you can add additional test methods routines after the class declaration. For instance, you may want to test that a specific instrument generates an error message when initialized improperly.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kw_dict", [{'inclination': 13, 'alt_apoapsis': 850},
{'TLE1': 'abc'}])
def test_sgp4_options_errors(self, kw_dict):
"""Test optional keyword combos for sgp4 that generate errors."""
with pytest.raises(KeyError) as kerr:
self.test_inst = pysat.Instrument(
assert str(kerr).find('Insufficient kwargs') >= 0
Other times you may need to run a new test across all instruments. For applying
across multiple instruments, you can use the
instrument lists generated by initialize_test_package
. When running this
routine, make sure to use the optional output for the custom instrument lists:
instruments = InstLibTests.initialize_test_package(
InstLibTests, inst_loc=customLibrary.instruments)
The instruments in the custom library will be grouped into four lists:
instruments[‘names’]: A list of all module names to check for standardization
instruments[‘download’]: A list of dicts containing info to initialize instruments for end-to-end testing. Used to access instruments on remote servers.
instruments[‘load_options’]: A list of dicts containing info to initialize instruments for end-to-end testing. Includes all items in instruments[‘download’] along with alternate instruments with optional kwarg inputs. Used to load data products that have already been downloaded.
instruments[‘no_download’]: A list of dicts containing info to initialize instruments without download support for specialized local tests. Used for limited testing since remote data access is not available.
Then, the new test may be created under the TestInstruments
class as before.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("inst_dict", instruments['download'])
def test_inst_file_date_range(self, inst_dict):
"""Test operation of file_date_range keyword."""
file_date_range = pds.date_range(dt.datetime(2021, 1, 1),
dt.datetime(2021, 12, 31))
_, date = initialize_test_inst_and_date(inst_dict)
self.test_inst = pysat.Instrument(inst_module=inst_dict['inst_module'],
file_list = self.test_inst.files.files
assert all(file_date_range == file_list.index)
Testing custom analysis routines
What if you are developing analysis routines or instruments with special functions? pysat includes a series of test instrument objects that can be imported by other packages to test those functions. For instance, pysatModels contains a series of routines to collect similar measurements between instruments and models. The test instruments are used as part of the unit tests. This allows us to thoroughly test routines without including a large volume of data as part of the package.
pysat_testing is the basic test object. It returns a satellite-like object with 1D data as a function of latitude, longitude, and altitude in a pandas format. Most similar to in situ data.
pysat_ndtesting is a satellite-like object that returns all of the above plus an imager-like data set, ie, remote data that is a function of time and two spatial dimensions.
pysat_testmodel is an xarray object that returns a 4D object as a function of latitude, longitude, altitude, and time. It most closely resembles data sets from geophysical models.
All of these objects return dummy data values that are either constants or small periodic variations. The intent of these objects are to return data sets that resemble instrument data in scope.
A very basic example is shown below. Here a stats library is imported from the custom instrument. The dummy1 variable is a simple data set that returns values between 0 and 20.
import pysat
from customLibrary import stats
class TestCompare:
def setup_method(self):
self.inst = pysat.Instrument(platform='pysat', name='testing')
self.inst.load(2009, 1)
def teardown_method(self):
del self.inst
def test_stats_mean(self):
mean_val = stats.mean(inst['dummy1'])
assert mean_val == 11.3785
The TestCompare.setup()
method is used to define and load a fresh
instrument for each test. While data are automatically generated, limits on
the usable range have been imposed for testing purposes. The test instruments
generate dates between 1 Jan 2008 and 31 Dec 2010 for use in the pysat
ecosystem. This allows for coverage for year changes both with and without
leap days.
Tips and Tricks
Remember to include pysat as a dependency in your pyproject.toml file.
The CI environment will also need to be configured to install pysat and its dependencies. You may need to install pysat from github rather than pip if you need to test against a specific development branch.
If the pysat API is changing for an upcoming release, you can use packaging
to quickly determine the pysat version and potentially skip tests that are only
necessary for a limited range of pysat versions.
from packaging.version import Version
import pysat
import pytest
@pytest.mark.skipif(Version(pysat.__version__) <= Version('3.0.1'),
reason=''.join(('Requires test model in pysat ',
' v3.0.2 or later.')))
def test_new_feature(self):
"""Check a new feature that requires the develop pysat."""