Custom Functions
Science analysis is built upon custom data processing. To simplify this task,
and enable instrument independent analysis, custom functions may be attached to
the Instrument
or Constellation
object. Each function is
run automatically when new data is loaded before it is made available in
This feature enables a user to hand a Constellation
object to an independent routine and ensure any desired
customizations required are performed without any additional user intervention.
This feature enables for the transparent modification of a data set in between
its state at rest on disk and when the data becomes available for use in
Custom arguments and keywords are supported for these functions. However, these arguments and keywords are only evaluated initially when the function is attached to an Instrument object. Thus the objects passed in must be static or capable of updating themselves from within the custom function itself.
Example Function
If a custom function is attached to an Instrument
object, the pysat object is passed to function in
place when the data is loaded. There is no Instrument
copy made in memory. The function is expected to
modify the supplied pysat object directly and the functions are not allowed to
return any information. The example below is appropriate to be applied to an
or a Constellation
at the
def modify_value(inst, param_name, factor=1.):
"""Modify param_name in inst by multiplying by factor
inst : pysat.Instrument
Object to be modified
param_name : str
Label for variable to be multiplied by factor
factor : int or float
Value to apply to param_name via multiplication (default=1.)
# Save the old data
inst['old_{:s}'.format(param_name)] = inst[param_name]
# Modify the data by multiplying it by a specified value
inst[param_name] = inst[param_name] * factor
# Changes to the instrument object are retained
inst.modify_value_was_here = True
Custom functions can also be applied at the Constellation
which allows data from multiple Instrument
objects to be used by
a single function. Constellation
level custom functions are applied
after Instrument
level functions. Note that the the way this
function identifies which Instrument to use means that the Instrument order
in Constellation.instruments
is important. An alternate method to
selected the desired Instrument
would be to identify
the desired instruments
using the platform
, tag
, and inst_id
def modify_const(const, inst1_param_name, inst2_param_name, dest_ind=0):
"""Modify param_name in inst by multiplying by factor
const : pysat.Constellation
Object to be modified
inst1_param_name : str
Label for variable from the first Constellation Instrument
inst2_param_name : str
Label for variable from the seccond Constellation Instrument
dest_ind : int
Zero-based index identifying the destination Instrument for the
modified data variable
# Ensure there are enough Instruments in the constellation
min_inst = 2 if dest_ind < 2 else dest_ind + 1
if len(const.instruments) < min_inst:
raise ValueError('unexpected number of Instruments in Constellation')
# Modify the data by adding new a new data variable to the destination
# Instrument, calculated with data from the first and second Instruments
new_data = const.instruments[0][inst1_param_name] * \
new_var = " x ".join([inst1_param_name, inst2_param_name])
const.instruments[dest_ind][new_var] = new_data
Attaching Custom Function to an Instrument
Custom functions must be attached to an Instrument
object for
to automatically apply the function upon every load.
# Load data
ivm.load(2009, 1)
# Establish current values for 'mlt'
stored_data = ivm['mlt'].copy()
# Attach a custom function and demonstrate execution
ivm.custom_attach(modify_value, args=['mlt'], kwargs={'factor': 2.})
# `modify_value` is executed as part of the `ivm.load` call.
ivm.load(2009, 1)
# Verify result is present
print(ivm['mlt'], stored_result)
# Check for attribute added to ivm
# `modify_vaule` is executed by `ivm.load` call.
ivm.load(2009, 1)
# Verify results are present
print(ivm[['old_mlt', 'mlt']], stored_result)
# Can also set functions via its string name. This example includes
# both required and optional arguments, and requires output from
# the prior custom function
ivm.custom_attach('modify_value', args=['old_mlt'], kwargs={'factor': 3.0})
# All three functions are executed with each load call in the order they
# were attached.
ivm.load(2009, 1)
# Verify results are present
print(ivm[['old_mlt', 'old_old_mlt', 'mlt']], stored_result)
The output of from these and other custom functions will always be available
from the Instrument
object, regardless of what level the science
analysis is performed.
We can repeat the earlier DMSP example, this time using nano-kernel functionality.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas
# Create custom function
def filter_dmsp(inst, limit=None):
# Isolate data to locations near geomagnetic equator
idx, = np.where((dmsp['mlat'] < 5) & (dmsp['mlat'] > -5))
# Downselect data = dmsp[idx]
# Get a list of dates between start and stop
start = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
stop = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 10)
date_array = pysat.utils.time.create_date_range(start, stop)
# Create empty series to hold result
mean_ti = pandas.Series()
# Instantiate the pysat.Instrument
dmsp = pysat.Instrument(platform='dmsp', name='ivm', tag='utd',
# Attach the custom function defined above
# Attach the first custom function, and declare it should run first
dmsp.custom_attach('modify_value', at_pos=0, args=['ti'],
kwargs={'factor': 2.0})
# Iterate over season, calculate the mean Ion Temperature
for date in date_array:
# Load data into
# Compute mean ion temperature using pandas functions and store
if not dmsp.empty:
mean_ti[] = dmsp['old_ti'].mean(skipna=True)
# Plot the result using pandas functionality
mean_ti.plot(title='Mean Ion Temperature near Magnetic Equator')
# Because the custom function didn't add metadata, use the old data name
plt.ylabel(dmsp.meta['ti', dmsp.desc_label] + ' (' +
dmsp.meta['ti', dmsp.units_label] + ')')
Note the same result is obtained. The DMSP Instrument
object and
analysis are performed at the same level, so there is no strict gain by using
the pysat
nano-kernel in this simple demonstration. However, we can
use the nano-kernel to translate this daily mean into an versatile
instrument-independent function.
Attaching Custom Function to an Instrument at Instantiation
Custom functions may also be attached to an Instrument
directly at instantiation via the custom
# Create dictionary for each custom function and associated inputs
custom_func_1 = {'function': modify_value, 'args': ['mlt'],
'kwargs': {'factor': 2.})}
custom_func_2 = {'function': modify_value, 'args': ['old_mlt'],
'kwargs'={'factor': 3.0}}
# Combine all dicts into a list in order of application and execution.
# However, if you specify the 'at_pos' kwarg, it will take precedence.
custom = [custom_func_1, custom_func_2]
# Instantiate pysat.Instrument
inst = pysat.Instrument(platform, name, inst_id=inst_id, tag=tag,
Attaching Custom Function to a Constellation
Attaching custom functions to Constellation
objects is done in the
same way as for Instrument
objects. The only difference is the
additional keyword argument apply_inst
, which defaults to True
applies the custom function to all of the Constellation
objects. This example assumes that the
ACE Instruments have been registered.
import datetime as dt
# Apply a Constellation-level custom function at initialization
const = pysat.Constellation(platforms=['ace'], tags=['historic'],
custom=[{'function': modify_const,
'apply_inst': False,
'args': ['eflux_38-53', 'bx_gsm'],
'kwargs': {'dest_ind': 2}}])
# Get and load data
stime = dt.datetime(2022, 1, 1)
# Check that the expected new variable is present
# Expected output:
# Index(['jd', 'sec', 'status_10', 'int_pflux_10MeV', 'status_30',
# 'int_pflux_30MeV', 'eflux_38-53 x bx_gsm'], dtype='object')